5 Reasons New Managers Fail
Becoming a manager is a big milestone. However, with any promotion, there’s always an adjustment period. Here are five common new manager pitfalls to avoid:
They Have The Title, But Forget To Manage
A new manager is often promoted because they were great at the job they were doing, but once they move into a supervisory role they keep doing that when in fact they now need to focus on coaching and motivating their team to become great at their jobs. This transition is sometimes harder than it seems.
They Have Poor Time Management Skills
As a new manager transitions, it takes some time to figure out how best to get it all done and effectively. Delegation and time management are critical for establishing a new team dynamic that is efficient and effective.
They Want to Change Everything Too Quickly
Having enthusiasm for a new role is great, but sometimes folks make changes too quickly. It’s very important to do your due diligence on your team, department and role prior to making large sweeping changes.
They Micromanage Their Team
Early in my career, I often jumped in and took over for my staff, interrupted them, and ultimately disheartened them. Thankfully I had an employee who pulled me aside and said very directly – Elizabeth, if we ever want to get to your level we have to learn how to do it ourselves. Please stop doing it for me and let me learn the way someone let you learn. Ouch! But I will forever be grateful for this brave employee. To become a great manager and leader you have to be willing to listen, learn and allow your team to blossom. Because when everyone on your team flourishes, your business flourishes.
They Tend To Shy Away From Addressing Problem Employees
No one likes being the bad guy, but addressing problems and team issues early and head on gives the employee a chance to improve. No one enjoys terminating an employee under any conditions. In the past, I used to stress about it, not sleep the night before, worry about the employee for days, months and in some cases years but this is not healthy nor is it sustainable for a leader. The way I overcame this was making sure that in every single case I had done everything in my power to provide guidance and feedback.