How to Turn Life Defining Moments into Power Moves

A power move is doing something crazy, unexpected, or out of the ordinary. I have had a few of these…some worked and some did not but all had a significant impact on my life.
Like when I moved to England and left my first husband. I needed a fresh start. I needed to leave my small town and some of my family of origin baggage to figure out who I was. Moving to another country was just what I needed. In the 7 years I lived in England, I grew into the woman I am today. I figured out who I was and who I wanted to be. I flourished in my career and I experienced a life filled with diversity, challenge and joy!
My next power move was leaving my job in the UK and moving back to the US. I had built a new life in the UK but it was time for me to go home and find a new career. Although it took me a couple of years to find my way once I got back, it was a great move for me.
Leaving my established corporate executive role and buying a small business was definitely a power move. I used my entire retirement to buy my first business. You know the saying…go big or go home. Well I went big. I think a lot of people thought I was crazy but I did it!
After losing five of my businesses to COVID closures, I needed another power move. I spent almost a year in a very deep depression. I was devastated financially and emotionally. After months of dealing with vendors, creditors, banks, attorneys and landlords I needed to move into something positive. So I started Empowered By E!, my passion project. Telling my story and focusing on the empowerment of women has empowered me! Thank you all for being part of my journey!